Tue October 15 2024


Some Black Liberation Theology

Peace from the Afromerica Staff

After 22 years of advocating for the liberation of Black America and other people of color that live in this country, the staff of Afromerica have concluded that the founders of the United States are intent on preserving and strengthening an oppressive form of control over those of darker hue.

This is evident in their behavior as of the current date and time revealed by their treatment of one of their own who has violated and disrespected every legal, political and social norm that has barely held this country together as a somewhat civilized nation of human beings.

There is no greater proof of the blatant and egregious hypocrisy shown by US politicians, religious, and mainstream gatekeeping leaders. The legends of race and skin-color are an ideology they have drenched themselves and their children in throughout the existence of this country, as a means of exalting themselves as superior beings.

This is and always has been a lie. Therefore, Afromerica is taking its battle to a higher level in the direction of human free-will and liberation from under the oppression of race-based policy, skin color discrimination and false doctrine of ignorant men who practice a true form of heretical blasphemy. Our intent is to expose.

Please join us at our new and final destination at Proliberation.com where we battle for liberty and free-will governed by the laws of nature and the Creator of humanity. There you will find new messages of social and spiritual liberation and the best of our oldest articles from the archives.

We relocated the Afromerica articles under the title of Ethno Press found here! We also moved the gospel directory to here. Join the newsletter, follow us as we grow and change.

At Proliberation.com we stand on the side of human, political, religious, and social liberation to break the yokes of delusion, bring down oppressive strongholds, and free people of the lies and misinformation they have been taught by men of wounded egos, low aptitude and a lack of understanding of the basic concepts of humanity.

Violence, hate, and greed has no place in a civilized society.

Once again, we at Afromerica thank you for your support and hope we see you at Pro Liberation. Peace and more power to you.

We can always be contacted at staff@afromerica.com

Always Stay Strong,

CR Hamilton